Why does my organisation need a risk assessment?
Legal Reason:
Regulation: COSHH, regulation 6; Management Regulations, regulation 3; HSW Act, sections 2, 3 and 4.
A suitable and sufficient assessment must be carried out to identify and assess the risk of exposure to legionella bacteria from work activities and water systems on the premises and any precautionary measures needed. The duty holder is responsible for ensuring the risk assessment is carried out. (HSE ACOP L8)
Moral Reason:
Previously undetected water tank. Contaminated water from this tank was found to supply drinking water and showers!
It is not uncommon for risk assessors to identify hazardous situations in water systems which could potentially cause harm to either employees or the general public. In most cases, management were simply not aware of the issue.
Fact: 90% of all Legionnaires disease outbreaks are attributed to management failures.
Remember, it's not just about Legionella, other pathogenic organisms can thrive in incorrectly maintained water systems which can lower overall water quality.
More individual cases of Legionnaires disease are attributed to domestic hot & cold water systems per year than high risk industrial cooling towers
Why use my services?
Legionella Risk Assessments carried out by me are specifically tailored to ensure HSE ACOP L8 compliance.
After the initial site visit you will receive a complete in depth report written in an easy to understand format with detailed solutions to any issues found.
As part of the risk assessment, schematic diagrams of the water systems are included. Click here for an example.
Remember, risk assessments are only as good as the risk assessor who carries them out! Benefit from my in depth knowledge and years of experience.